September 2, 2014 - Professor Shiller's keynote speech available online Watch Professor Shiller's keynote speech, as well as the power speeches from the SFI Industry Forum, including all slide presentations. |
September 1, 2014 - Photos online now!
August 25, 2014 - Full Program available for viewing
The full program of the EFA 2014 Annual Meeting is now available to view online here. This program will be distributed at the event in hard copy to all participants.
August 22, 2014 - EFA 2014 Registration Closed
Registration for the EFA 2014 Annual Meeting is now closed. You may still register for the SFI Industry Forum (August 29, 2014) here.
August 11, 2014 - Mobile Application
For the first time ever, the EFA 2014 Annual Meeting will have a mobile application to provide support to all participants throughout the entire conference. Read more about all the different features and download it now here!
July 9, 2014 - Venue Map
View all the different venues for the EFA 2014 Annual Meeting conveniently on one map, including the Doctorial Tutorial, all social/evening events, and transportation possibilities to each location.
June 23, 2014 - Academic program now online
The academic program is now online and available for viewing. Please note that this program is tentative and changes in time slots may occur.
June 5, 2014 - Final Program available soon
The final program for the 41st Annual Meeting will be available online by June 23, 2014. To view an overview of the program, click here.
May 22, 2014 - Download our Guide to Lugano
Click here to download our Guide to Lugano, a helpful document with travel information, what to do while you're here, restaurant and nightlife recommendations, and much, much more!
May 16, 2014 - We are now on Facebook and Twitter!
Like our page on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to get all the latest updates on this year's event, including press releases, venue photos, and helpful travel tips!
April 14, 2014 - NASDAQ OMX Educational Foundation to support the 41st EFA Annual Meeting in Lugano
The NASDAQ OMX Educational Foundation has announced today that it will support the EFA Annual Meeting for the sixth consecuitive year. Part of the sponsorship are a special track session on the "Consequences of Passive Investing for Capital Formation" as well as the EFA Doctoral Tutorial. The best research presented will be recognized at the conference awards ceremony for the Best Doctoral Tutorial Paper Prize. "We are proud to support the EFA 41st Annual Meeting and to present PhD students with the opportunity to examine their research and exchange views with field experts," said Joan Conley, Senior Vice President and Corporate Secretary at The NASDAQ OMX Group and Managing Director of the NASDAQ OMX Educational Foundation. "We believe it is important to bring renowned economists, academics and industry experts together to share high quality finance research and network at a professional forum." Read more
March 18, 2014 - The registration system is now open
For more information about the registration fees please click here.To register for the 41st EFA Annual Meeting, use our conference management system. Please note that if you already registred in our system as author or reviewer, you canr register to the conference from your user account.
February 21, 2014 - Record number of papers submitted
A total of 1793 papers have been submitted. Papers will be anonymously reviewed by the Program Committee and authors will be notified of the Program Committee’s decisions in the first part of May 2014. The final program will be available in June 2014.
January 10, 2014 - Track Chairs Committee
EFA 2014 is pleased to announce that the Track Chairs Committee list is online.
December 19, 2014 - We are now on LinkedIn!
Join our group for news and updates about the European Finance Association and the 41st Annual Meeting.
October 14, 2013 - Keynote speaker Robert J. Shiller is awarded Nobel Prize
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm just announced that this year's economics Nobel Prize has been awarded to Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert Shiller for their empirical analysis of asset prices. Prof. Shiller will be speaking at the EFA 2014 in Lugano on August 29, 2014.